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Friday All Day Pre-Conference Workshops

FLAME – Fundamentals in Leadership and Management for Educators: Assessing Leadership and Professionalism 

  • Judy McKimm and Paul Jones, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Wales, UK


Introduction: It is widely recognised that non-technical skills, including leadership, are vital for effective and safe professional practice. Educators internationally are focussing on establishing robust ways of assessing professional practice. Regulatory and professional bodies increasingly require learners to demonstrate competence in leadership, yet many educators are struggling to teach and assess leadership competence. Many tools exist to assess leadership, but with crowded curricula and large numbers of students/trainees, how can educators implement effective leadership development programmes and assess leadership skills and behaviours? This workshop explores how leadership theory, practice and assessment can help inform our understanding of both assessing professionalism and embedding leadership development. 


Intended outcomes: By the end of the workshop participants will (1) demonstrate understanding of leadership theory in relation to assessing leadership and (2) how leadership theory and practice can be used in assessing professionalism; (3) become familiar with methods for teaching and assessing leadership; (4) have shared practice on challenges and solutions and (5) identified strategies for introducing/developing leadership programmes. 


Content and Structure: Interactive small and large group activities and short presentations designed to facilitate discussion and participation and meet individual and group needs. 


Who should attend: Undergraduate and postgraduate medical and health professions’ educators who run leadership and management courses or plan to do so or have an interest in assessing professional behaviours and practice. 


Level of workshop: Intermediate/advanced

Friday Morning  Half-Day Pre-Conference Workshops

Implementing Large-Scale Assessments of Clinical Teachers’ Professional Behaviors

  • Dr Richard L. Cruess, Centre for Medical Education, McGill University

  • Dr Sylvia R. Cruess, Centre for Medical Education, McGill University

  • Dr Meredith Young, Centre for Medical Education, McGill University

  • Dr Yvonne Steinert, Centre for Medical Education, McGill University

  • Dr Kiki Lombarts, University of Amsterdam

  • Dr Darcy Reed, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine


Introduction:  An obstacle to transmitting the beliefs and values of the medical profession to future generations is unprofessional behavior of faculty members that can lead to a corrosive learning environment antithetical to the teaching and learning of professionalism. Valid and reliable student and resident assessment of the professional behaviors of clinical teachers, including their performance as clinicians, teachers and role models, can be an important part of a “fit for purpose” assessment program that can serve as the basis for feedback and action and can include rewards, remediation, or removal from teaching duties. Modern information technology linked to relatively uncomplicated assessment tools can contribute essential data to such a program.


Content and Structure: Brief presentations will be made on the principles of assessing professional behaviors, the experience of two centers (McGill & Amsterdam) with large scale web-based student and resident assessment of faculty professional behaviors, and the experience of a third center (Mayo) reporting on the systematic use of such data. Each presentation will be followed by small group activities in which participants will be encouraged to reflect upon the issues and their applicability to their own settings. Finally, each participant will be given an opportunity to develop an action plan for their own institution.


Intended outcomes:  By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: articulate the general principles of the assessment of professional behaviors; recommend strategies for student and resident assessment of faculty professional behaviors; recommend strategies for the use of such data; and develop an implementation plan for student and resident assessment of faculty professional behaviors in their own settings.


Who should attend: Teachers, educators and administrators involved at all levels of the educational continuum.


Level:  Intermediate

Organizing OSCEs and other SP Programs for Interprofessional Learner Groups

  • Elizabeth Kachur, PhD

  • Lisa Altshuler, PhD

  • Karen Adamo Henry, MA


Introduction:  Interprofessional education (IPE) is gaining popularity because it has become clear that educating for a multi-professional work environment and teamwork has to start early, and has to continue throughout work life.  Standardized patients (SPs) and OSCEs are well established educational methods in just about all health professions, and they can also work in IPE programs.  However, special considerations are needed:  participants may have different roles, skills sets and performance standards. They may vary regarding professional culture and vocabulary.  Building on theoretical considerations and using a variety of IPE programs as examples, this workshop will extrapolate strategies that can set the foundation for successful programs.


Content and Structure:

  • Welcome/introduction - 10 min

  • Best/worst training experiences with different professionals (think-pair-share, discussion) - 20 min

  • Theories and literature behind IPE, OSCEs and SPs (mini-presentation, Q&A’s) - 15 min

  • Knowledge and attitudes about different professions (exercise using flip charts & post-its, discussion) – 20 min

  • Sample programs (mini-presentations) – 20 min

  • Break – 15 min

  • IPE station development (small group exercise, large group presentations) – 20 min

  • IPE rating form development (small group exercise, large group presentations) – 20 min

  • IPE SP training/faculty development (small group exercise, large group presentations) – 20 min

  • Summary discussion – Do’s and Don’ts – 20 min


Intended outcomes:

  1. List 3 opportunities and 3 challenges inherent in IPE OSCE/SP exercises

  2. Discuss faculty development issues related to IPE OSCE/SP exercises

  3. Identify 3 issues to consider when implementing an IPE SP-based program at your own institution


Who should attend:  administrators, education professionals, faculty from all health professions


Level:  introductory/intermediate

Evaluating Educational Innovations: The Key is to Start Early! 

  • Elaine Van Melle, PhD, CanMEDS Education Scientist, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Education Researcher Department of Family Medicine, Queens University

  • Leslie Flynn, MD. Interim Vice Dean Education, Queen’s University; Clinician Educator, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

  • Ming-Ka Chan,  MD. Director Education and Faculty Development, University of Manitoba; Clinician Educator, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

  • Anna Oswald, MD. Assistant professor, Division of Rheumatology, University of Alberta; Clinician Educator, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

  • Farhan Bhanji, MD. Associate Professor, Pediatrics,  McGill University; Clinician Educator, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada


Introduction:  Educational innovations can include a new teaching strategy, assessment tool, workshop or curriculum (Van Melle et al, 2012). Evaluating the effectiveness of an innovation is often left as the last step in the cycle of design and implementation (Steinert & Snell, 2011). To provide meaningful results however, an evaluation needs to be threaded through all phases of design and implementation: it requires a thorough needs assessment, well-defined goals and objectives and a clearly articulated theoretical framework(s) (Donaldson, 2007). Drawing from the literature on program evaluation, using practical examples and interactive methods, this workshop will provide participants with such an approach.


Content and Structure: This highly interactive workshop will begin with an overview of an evaluation framework. Application of the framework will be illustrated using a newly developed resident teaching program for adults with developmental disabilities. In small groups, participants will be encouraged to apply the framework to evaluating their own educational innovation. To complete the workshop, strategies for using the framework to build organizational capacity for evaluation and education scholarship will be discussed (Labin et al, 2012).   


Intended outcomes:  By the end of this workshop participants will be able to: 

  1. Describe why evaluation should be threaded through all phases of design and implementation of an educational innovation. 

  2. Apply a framework which will lead to a meaningful evaluation.

  3. Build organizational capacity for evaluation and education scholarship.


Who should attend:  Educators interested in evaluating educational innovations, educational leaders responsible for curriculum and program evaluation.


Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Understanding and creating advanced items – a faculty development approach to writing multiple choice items

  • Douglas Wooster MD, FRCSC, FACS, RVT, RPVI, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

  • Elizabeth Wooster, PhD (Candidate) OISE/University of Toronto


Introduction:   Multiple choice format (MC) testing remains a prominent testing strategy for in-training and registration evaluation of students and postgraduate trainees. Creating items can be challenging but well-crafted tests show good reliability in these settings. Efforts to create a more ‘real world’ simulation has led to innovative testing strategies, such as script concordance (SC),  and advanced MC items that allow for assessing higher level activities, such as ‘analysis’ and ‘synthesis’.


Content and structure: This activity will include interactive discussion of the theory and preparation of such items.  All participants will engage in hands-on preparation of advanced MC and SC items with the guidance of an expert leader.  Discussion of strategies to transfer and teach these techniques to faculty at home institutions will occur.  Participants will engage in the development of a skill transfer plan.  A handout summarizing the steps for both preparation of transfer of these skills will be provided.


Intended outcomes:  At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the theory related to MC and SC items

  2. Describe and apply the steps related to the preparation of such items

  3. Aware of strategies to transfer the skills to others.


Who should attend: Anyone involved in the preparation of testing items or with an interest in the construction of advanced items.


Level:  Intermediate/Advanced

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